Friday, August 10, 2012

Updated version of the APK Downloader Chrome Extension

Problem to add your account  to APK down-loader page ?? Don't worry just do it step by seep .....

Due to some modification and restriction of Google Web Store former APK down-loader will not work in the previous version of Google Chrome. 
This is an updated (and slightly modified) version of redphx's awesome Google Chrome extension APK DownloaderIt allows you to download APKs from the Play Store webpage via your desktop browser directly onto your computer likely of my previous post which was posted dated on June 02, 2012. 

Don't worry, am giving the solution of latest version of Google Chrome which is holding version Chrome 21.  
So, I checked again the Manifest version 1 support schedule and I found that I was wrong there. Manifest version 1 was announced deprecated with the release of Chrome 18, but will be partitially supported until "early 2013".

Nethertheless, the original APK Downloader (v1.2.1) does not for me (any longer) since my Chrome was update to 21.0.1180.60 m. The extension constantly throwscontent security policy exceptions when trying to download any App, which prevents the extension from working at all. Additionally, this is the error message I get on the extension page:

So: If APK Downloader v1.2.1 stopped working for you, feel free to use this updated version.
Get Started - Download
To install the extension the steps are as follows: download and extract the following zip archive to your computer.

Direct download link: 
How to set up?

After you extracted the downloaded zip file to your computer, open Google Chrome and go to the extension page; you can copy into the Url bar:chrome://chrome/extensions/

Load it

Now, enable "Developer mode" and load the "APK Downloader"-extension from the directory where you extracted it to.

Set it up - Google-Account

To be able to download from the Play Store, you need to authenticate all requests. Therefore you need to "log in to your Google Account" at the extension's option page. 

On the extension's options page, log in with your Google-Account (email-address and password) - the same Account that you used with your device! Also, you will need your Android Device-Id (which is part of the algorithm to generate a valid request key).

Set it up - Android Device-Id

To get your Android Device-Id, type in the dialer of your phone...

... and you will get the "GTalk Service Monitor" screen like the following. Search for "DEVICE-ID:". Everything that comes after "android-", that is your Device-Id.

(Almost) Done

The extension is now available and ready set up. However, you need to follow 1 more step to actually use it; you need to disable SSL warnings. Please read my previous post how to disable SSL error warning.

Co- Operation :
Special Thanks goes to 
redphoenix89  ! It's his code - I did it customize only for user interface . :)

Legal Note / Disclaimer
Finally, please note that the use of this Chrome extension is violating Google's Play Store TOS! You've been warned.

File Type: - Click 
File Type: - Click 
  File Type: zip - Click 
  File Type: zip - Click  

And that's it. Have Fun!!! 

Feel free to ask any problematic queries related this issue.

Tagged as: ApplicationsFeatured ContentGamesRoot, Android , APK Downloader
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Last edited by Ferdous; Aug 11, 2012 at 06:034 AM.                               


  1. Hey there, if you copy and paste the work from others, leave a link to the original source, which is

    And don't mirror files! v1.3.1 is outdated already! Please link to the original files for download!

    Thanks, Bexton

  2. Hey Steve, Thanx for your comment. May I told it first that all credit goes to redphoenix89 which goes to the forum. xda-developers. I did only customization for user friendly.
    Don't Worry I will provide updated mirror for v1.1.3 & v1.3.4 to download the original files. I think u will get the solution.
    If any further query don't hesitate to post. And thank you aging for ur feedback. Feedback is always welcome.

    Links for V1.1.3.3 >>

    Links for V1.1.3.3 >>

  3. Your hair is just gorgeous!!! I have tried several of you styles. Thanks for the tips.

  4. my pleasure. thank for the complement. If any support related to the Android OS feel free to ask me.

    Admin Ferdous
